▶ Korean         
This Recommendation | International Standard enables the registration of object identifiers (OIDs) for applications and services using tag-based identification under the OID arc {joint-iso-itu-t(2) tag-based(27)}.
NOTE- For historical reasons, the secondary identifier nid is a synonym for tag-based on arc 27.


The term NID was originally used as an abbreviation for "Network aspects of identification systems (including RFID)".

  Criteria for acceptance

- An application shall be accepted if, in the technical judgment of the relevant Rapporteur, the allocation
   requested is to be used for an identification scheme supporting one or more tag-based applications or
- It is a requirement that the identification scheme be identified in a publicly available specification produced by
   a standardization body recognized by ITU-T, ISO or IEC, or by an internationally recognized consortium.
   NOTE- This excludes specifications produced by a single company or organization.
- The applications shall identify the timescale within which the relevant identification scheme is to be applied
   within applications or services. The application shall be rejected if the timescale exceeds 12 months, and
   can be voided if it is not in use within that time-scale.
   NOTE- The primary integer value of a voided application shall not be re-used within the next five years
- The applications or services for which the allocation is requested shall be applications or services which
   require interchange between multiple vendors in an open environment.
- An application for registration, containing the information specified in Registration application shall be sent to
   the organization providing the administrative role for the RA. The application shall be submitted by the
   standardization body (recognized by ITU-T,ISO or IEC),or by the internationally recognized consortium.
▶ OID Regist Request
For OID Registration : Contact nid_oid@kisa.or.kr for OID registration form.